Chris Pegg

Chris Pegg

Senior Principal Product Experience & Engineering Lab Minneapolis


Chris considers himself a “maker” – interested more in how things could be than how they are. He particularly relishes the opportunity to work with teams and organizations that want to improve continuously but aren’t sure where or how to start. For example, he recently led an innovation initiative with a global financial services company to bring its first direct-to-consumer digital product to market. 

His longstanding professional mantra is to help those around him better understand the information that surrounds them.  

Chris joined West Monroe as part of its acquisition of GoKart Labs, where he was director of product ownership. Previously, he held product management roles for the Yearbook division of Jostens, Inc and Capella University. He has a master’s degree in Information Science from the University of North Texas.

What makes Chris different

Chris was a light-duty auto mechanic in high school and college. That experience instilled him with a fascination for the question, “How does this work?” He continues to bring that curiosity into his life every day.  

He is an avid bicyclist and enjoys riding around the lakes and trails of Minneapolis with his wife and daughter. He also loves live music and comedy performances and is always eager to take in a show from a new artist.

Where Chris makes an impact

Chris is a committed lifelong learner who brings that mindset when coaching and guiding others. He loves seeing teammates and clients improve competency in their field. He also brings his love of learning into his local community by volunteering in the Minneapolis Public Schools, helping teachers and parent associations improve digital communication tools and capabilities.

Meet the Product Experience & Engineering Lab team