Dan Fussell

Dan Fussell

Director Technology Seattle


Though he has a deep technical background, Dan is a people-focused leader who executes complex infrastructure initiatives flawlessly. He prides himself as being a trusted advisor to his clients, helping them align their technology and team capabilities with their business strategies.

His influence doesn’t end with his clients. He is the Chief Outdoor Officer, team lead, and culture builder at the West Monroe office in Seattle.

Dan joined our team from Avanade, where he was a consultation with the National Infrastructure Service Line. He has a bachelor’s degree and a graduate certificate from the University of Washington.

What makes Dan different

Though he is an avid hiker and climber -- he scaled the five volcanoes of Washington -- he has gone above and beyond expectations by becoming an award-winning terrible dancer. He spends his time passing his myriad skills along to his two daughters and enjoying the outdoors that Washington has to offer with his wife, Julie.

Where Dan makes an impact

Dan helped design and build a technology platform for a client that enabled the business to scale 10 times over.

Meet the Technology team