David Zavala

David Zavala

Director Healthcare & Life Sciences Dallas


Driven by personal experiences, David has a passion for making a difference in healthcare through innovative solutions that improve health outcomes and reduce costs. His recent experiences include delivering new patient engagement tools to health systems that are optimizing internal workflows, reducing readmissions, and generating new revenue streams totaling nearly $12 million annually.  

David’s roots in healthcare extend to the early days of electronic health records and data integration. That has put him at the center of continuous and transformational change and digital acceleration.   

He considers himself both a student and teacher of healthcare. His quest to solve problems, ensure client success, and drive long-term value has fostered deep relationships and meaningful connections across the industry.  

David joined West Monroe in 2023 with more than two decades of experience that includes roles with both consulting and software companies focused on the healthcare and life sciences industry—most recently with RGP Consulting in Dallas. He earned a degree in management information systems from the University of Texas at Arlington. 

What makes David different

David grew up playing baseball and dreamed of a coaching career prior to discovering his passion for healthcare. He comes from a family of golfers but admits that a lack of practice requires him to keep things light on the course. He has, however, kept alive some of the skills learned through a childhood of piano lessons. 

Where David makes an impact

As a volunteer advisory member of the National Health IT Collaborative for the Underserved (NHIT), David guides efforts to improve health outcomes in rural and underserved communities. He is also a longstanding member of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and founding team member of HIMSS Latino, which developed IT solutions to improve care quality, access, and cost for the U.S. Latino population. 

A former heart surgery patient, David has a special place in his heart for children going through similar experiences. Through Mended Hearts, he engages with pediatric surgery patients and their families to lift spirits—his included—in any way possible! 


Meet the Healthcare & Life Sciences team