Larry Briski

Larry Briski

Managing Partner Healthcare & Life Sciences Chicago


With 20 years of healthcare consulting experience, Larry is a specialist in delivering results-focused programs for health plans. He has both deep operation and IT experience in the health plan sector and combines it with a natural ability to communicate complex ideas and adapt to unfamiliar situations. Using these skills, Larry helps his clients navigate change and deliver impactful results.

Larry joined West Monroe in 2016 as part of the firm’s acquisition of Invoyent, LLC, a healthcare business and technology consultancy for which he was a partner focused on delivering IT solutions that enabled the unique business needs of health plans.

He has a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University's Kelley School of Business and a master’s degree from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

What makes Larry different

Larry and his wife live in Chicago with their two young children. The family’s favorite part of their city is any time it’s not winter, and they love to travel. An avid runner, Larry ran his first marathon in 2018.

Where Larry makes an impact

Over the course of his career, Larry has built a successful track record for complex project governance and management, large-scale technology integration and enterprise transformation, health plan IT strategy, and medical management and pharmacy platform delivery.

Meet the Healthcare & Life Sciences team